Points for the same training/seminar cannot be included more than once in the same year. i.e. you cannot attend a face-to-face seminar, then watch the same seminar online and include points for both in your CPD activity record.

Nationally accredited industry education courses

Nationally accredited industry education refers to a course with an assessable outcome. This may include:

  • An Australian vocational qualification like a Certificate II or III, Diploma or Advanced Diploma; and
  • Higher level study by course work or supervised research at an approved tertiary institution leading to a qualification: degree, graduate certificate, graduate diploma or master’s degree.

The maximum CPD points you can include per year in this category is 10 points per module to a maximum of 20 points per 12 months.

Programs listed on the NIBA CPD Register

Quality assessed programs deliver measurable learning outcomes and are assessed as exhibiting additional quality training criteria. All programs which meet the NIBA quality assessment can earn extra CPD points for participants.

These programs are listed on the NIBA CPD Register.

These are short courses and eLearning or other correspondence programs that meet the basic CPD accreditation criteria but do not necessarily have measurable learning outcomes.

Professional participation activities

To count towards your Membership CPD, the requirements training must be an:

  • NIBA Seminar;
  • eLearning course.

Examples include:

  • Distance education or online programs with a formal assessment;
  • Adult education courses relevant to, or extending existing areas of broking/insurance practice;
  • Lectures, seminars, workshops, industry discussion groups and forums for the exchange of technical information relevant to practitioners;
  • Exhibitions and conferences relevant to the area of practice;
  • In-house training; and
  • Business meetings with a keynote address and question time. Please note, this activity has a standard CPD rating of 0.5 points.

The maximum amount of CPD points that can be included in a year in this category is 20.

To claim CPD points for training run by other RTOs, please complete the RTO Provided Training Form (download below).

Industry leadership activities

These are activities that NIBA members undertake to educate the wider industry. Eligible activities include writing articles, giving presentations, teaching, working on technical committee work, and student or workplace mentoring. These activities are not listed on the NIBA CPD Register and the number of points allocated is made on a case-by-case basis taking into account the general rules outlined below.

Research and presentation activities

Maximum 3 CPD points per year

  • Production of an original research/project paper in the insurance, broking or risk field that is presented at a conference, seminar or training course, or published by a professional journal or in conference proceedings;
  • Production of a general issue or ideas paper related to the development of broking, risk or insurance practice improvements for a recognised industry publication or forum; and
  • Participation as a speaker, facilitator or session leader at a seminar, training program or recognised industry gathering or conference.

The CPD points that can be claimed for research and writing of articles excludes the time spent on layout, artwork and design activities. Repeats or other articles which are substantially similar do not count towards CPD points.

Speeches and presentations count as CPD when the member is presenting information for which they have undertaken significant research. Research time only qualifies once. As a general rule, three hours of preparation time can be claimed for each hour of presentation. Members must provide a copy of the article, presentation or outline of the teaching activity as verification.

Download an application form below.

Committee participation

Maximum 3 CPD points per year

This is restricted to:

  • Representation as a broking/insurance practitioner on a NIBA or industry technical committee, panel, or taskforce. These activities exclude time spent in routine administrative or production matters of the committee; and
  • NIBA development work that involves the creation of new policies, the revision of existing policies, or preparation of a policy submission.

Download an application form below.

Teaching and mentoring

Maximum 3 CPD points per year

  • Tertiary level teaching that involves preparation of course outlines, content, delivery and evaluation of student/teaching performance;
  • Participation in tutorials, student mentor programs; and
  • Structured workplace mentoring that involves meeting with a colleague or mentor for the purpose of working on an aspect of their broking/insurance proficiency. Members seeking to attain CPD recognition for mentoring (as mentor or mentee) must complete the NIBA Mentoring Overview and complete the mentoring plan provided.

Download an application form below.


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image-20230625102859-5Industry Leadership Application



image-20230625102859-5Industry Research Activities Application



image-20230625102859-5CPD Application Teaching